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(3 edits) (+6)(-17)

yall here saying some wild shit. saying "grow up" when someone is complaining about this is hilarious. why do you want them to grow up? more kids for you guys to look at if they dont. "nO oNe MaDe YoU lOoK aT tHiS". obviously when someone sees some gross shit or shit they dont like they're going to point it out like how the weirdos are going to point out or dislike my comment. 

no one made you read it. 

and before someone says "go outside" or some shit like that, bro you're here downloading loli/shota games. if you dont see the irony in that then i dont know what to tell you. 


You are in the comments section of a game featuring a genre you claim you don't like. You could have just avoided it, but you didn't, you put the extra effort for it. When people you claim should touch grass tell you to touch grass, then shit, man, you should.

(3 edits) (+3)(-10)

ehhhhhh saying touch grass while making porn games is wild, that was kind of my point when i said that. nobody told me to touch grass, that was the second comment i made on your profile and you deleted the first one and you are the only one to respond to it. if you took the effort to read what i said in the first comment, i wasnt talking to you. how many comments have you deleted?  how much time do you spend looking at pictures kids so you can animate them in sexual situations? how much time do you spend writing these "smart" responses to people you claim you dont like on the daily? how many comments have you made in the first place? how are you going to tell someone to touch grass when you do all that? you're acting like someone sits at their pc all day just to look at your stuff and leave rude things. you're not that important dude. i saw something i dont like, left a comment and went about my day. "you acknowledged something you dont like so you must like it"-you. sooo since you acknowledged my comment that means you actually liked it? well thanks for the compliment. using your logic, if you now acknowledge what i am saying it means you like what im saying since you're taking time out of your day to find me and respond to me. sounds real dumb and self centered doesnt it? if you say it doesnt sound like that then thanks for liking and reading my comment mr. diddy. 


ngl this guy got a masters in yapology


hello? sorry cant read this i dont speak epstein

Deleted 206 days ago

ayo that one was a violatian crazy comeback, you ate with that one that got the whole entire site giggling


that was smooth, thanks for keeping it real. I agree with what you are saying man

Deleted 288 days ago

when new update please answer




wheres the suitable leash



how do you progress after meeting ronnie anne and agnes

Where is the laptop I can't continue


where do i find the leash for lona


I don't know where it is


Help. How do I get Loni's leash?

Also system crashes if I try to change Lisa's wardrobe.


Dont get me wrong i only played this for lori cuz shes hot

and lenny


when there will be a new update?

I did the first part of Lucy's quest but she wont go to the basement

Nevermind uninstalled and reinstalled and it fixed itself


Help im stuck i finished lolas first quest and now i cant do anything when i talk to anyone its just the same response even after i skip a week

Ну норм


That's the best Louds game i've played nice work I hope it get finished soon but take your time "we can't rush art" 


This is a great start! If any rats start talking shit on you then  head over to ATF... There you'll be able to make whatever you want without the community backlashing like children.


I'm aware of ATF, but I didn't know you could post video games there. Itch is very cool with this in either case.


Itch is fine with it? The creator FAQ says differently but I'd love to be in the wrong here

So when is the least update going

What's ATF?


All The Fallen, forum/booru/etc for people interested in lolicon and shotacon


Where do you find lolas heel


i firmly believe that everyone present in this comment section shoudn't be allowed anywhere near children or any minor at all


Does that include yourself??

les gars je suis bloquer je viens de débloquer ronie anne est la prof mais j'ai fais que 6 scène est ça me dit qu'on a pas besoin de moi 


Why the game crashing to much


Are you planning to add more languages like Spanish?

What's like a top ten or twenty playlist of games that are like this? I got this one, Four elements trainer, teen titans, any good ones? With 18+ content ofcoarse


can u link me those games?

(1 edit)

I got you, bro. Confined with goddesses, Once a porn a time, all Akabur games, Academy 34 and yeah, if you will find something good notify me too.

Did you find any other games like this ??


Where do i find leash for training dummy? What do i do after laptop?

idk if im stuck or the game is just short but what do i do after someones at the door


you can go to the laptop in the room


What do you do after? Im at the laptop, stuck with trying to find the leash for the dummy for lana. What do I do after?

i dont think that its been implemented yet the game is a WIP so i think itll be added along with the game and missions exending in a future update

has it been added?

not yet

Where is the laptop ?

the character's bedroom


 would you like a "Helping Hand" for make this?

ha, gottem

I couldn't play the game because at the dialogue where the girls notice Lincoln 's dick at the start it will suddenly crash

Are you playing the newest version?

What is the newest version and how do I get a clean copy?

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Im not even trying to be weird or anything but that Gyatt that was seen by lola, I need more...

I wonder if lana if gonna be the same


Qhen will more content be added to this game itis a fun game


animated scene ?


y yall hating this while other peoples do actual illegal stuffs especially to childs unlike others who stick to fictional stuffs who are 18+ as it says so its true lol and legal  

People really hating on you when you're right XD


Mf what are they gonna hate on instead, a imaginary pedophile? The concept of pedophilia? Some guy whos already convincted?

"Some guy whos already convincted?" Obviously, or instead of wasting their time hating something that's completely legal in majority of countries they can just move on with their lives. I don't believe its that hard to do. And if it bugs them that much they can go get a job with people who actually solve irl problems. I don't think it can be stressed enough how much I (and the rest of the community I hope) hate pedophiles and the terrible things they plan/do to children. I assume you will just ignore this and perpetuate your idiotic hate messages but I will hope you can be smarter than the lower 1/3rd of people.

(1 edit)

Why do people always bring up the fact of legality like I'm a cop? If you're not a pedophile, congratulations... you're one outta a fuckin million. First time anybody of your... community... ever legit just came up to me and said "i do not look at actual kids" instead of beating around the bush for the rules of their fetish, good job!!! I wish I was being sarcastic. However I am morally firm (mostly I am in a fucking porn game community post on itch) and do not see the "artistic" side of the fictional kid fetish that you for some reason defend instead of staying justifiably silent like the other ones.

The reason I bring up those scenarios is because they're outed. It's like hating epstein island; wtf is the point of that everybody knows what it is. And the real convincted ones either get mauled in jail, hide behind some bullshit reasoning, or get a one year fucking sentence. Usually the 3rd one constantly. Kill me. Rather not think about that. Which is why I rather point these things out occasionally to people who HOPEFULLY HAVENT DONE THAT YET.

I'm very specific on this topic as I had talked and helped a ton of past trauma victims years ago at my own severely unhealthy group which had developed me underlying problems of my own. Because apparently being around unmedicated psychos is not a brilliant idea and could traumatize deeply. So it's possible in a way. I've never been to whatever community site you browse to be fair so if it isn't just a group of supposed legal aged fictional children that's way better? Also 1/3rd is extremely generous... 

edit: why is the text white

I bring up the legality because most the time its the main point people who disagree bring up. I've seen on both sides of the spectrum what actual pedos cause and the insane way their brain operates. I don't believe a lot of the people in "this" community are of the type and id like to believe that everyone who place these games can keep it as a fetish-type of thing and never turn to real kids. I look here because I gained a preference for hentai at a young age and have had a preference for more petite body types. If you know much about hentai you'll know that, outside of loli, its borderline impossible to find. That's my personal reason of course... I am in an online forum that talks about lolis as well, In there its extremely well noted that real kids are to NEVER EVER be in consideration because there are people who might bridge the gap. For some people its easy and I fear that. Most of us moral people don't have trouble understanding that hurting real people is very much different than looking at a drawing. I do see where you could make the connections though. 

PS: Sorry for the idiot comment, that was unnecessary when you were being logical, and trying to have a genuine, constructive argument.

(1 edit) (+16)(-18)

nah this has to be illegal. whoever downloads this is going on a watchlist.


YEah, they are going to be on the based watchlist, since this isn't illegal.


us code of federal regulations title 18 section 1466a subsec. 2(a)(b)


Luckily, the game already says all characters depicted in the game are 18, on top of being fictional.


sure, but they don't look 18+ despite being depicted as 18+ years old in the game


So you are saying all midgets are underage?


Actually where tf does that enter the equation bruh

well my sister would say diffrent (short queen) she's  18 looks like a 14 year old..


i know, this is disgusting.

Deleted 206 days ago

100% correct.

Adding to OP's reply, This is artistic. Not in a usual sense but still. Grow up. Find people actually causing problems.



Deleted 364 days ago



honesty, its disgusting to see most of the comments don't see a problem with this game.

is there any sound in the game or no

so no new just on android?


New for all platforms.

I have problems with lewdhouse: helping hand itch download not complete and if I try to change Lisa  wardrobe I get exception error. I was wondering if I sent you  a blank CD you could make   me  a   hard copy so I wouldn't have to use the browser. My mailing  address is as followes. 

Michael Schumaker

20 Rollingwood Drive # 49




do you have any plans to add to this games because I feel it has potential to become really good.




Hello i cant seem to find the golf club  can anyone  help me

in the basement 


Ya lo probé y solo unos minutos duro antes de que crasheara además de que no me deja descargar el juego sale prohibido


I can't seem to play this on Android it crashes at the family meeting every time .


What's new so far?

Deleted 1 year ago

Maybe this game isn't for you.


when is new update

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Tbh these types of games are not for people that's dislike or hate lewding loli's

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