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Looking forward to the next update! Especially if we can unlock naked underwear+outfit as in the previous versions, that would be great.

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when is the new update 


How do i make all the characters nude?

You only undress them to the underwear. I guess you will be ablte to undress them completely in the following content updates.


You can completely undress them once you have fully completed the game


But at the moment the game is in development and we're not able to complete. I tried everything to undress all of em :)

Same, it used to be possible in previous updates but not this one :( ... looking forward to Lily/Linka in the next update for this reason!


You can fully undress them once you have gotten all the sisters and mom to 33% and talk to all the side characters. After that visit Connie Ann and she will unlock the customization option to make all of the sisters and mom nude


Cuando saldrá la siguiente actualización 

How to get the Lynn shower scene


Lynn will be available ih the next content update. But you can take a shower with Leni :)


How do I go to school

You need to open the map in the top (blue map-icon), then with the arrows buttons left an right you can jump to school and to other places.  

Thanks man

 ¿Cuándo habrá nuevos episodios?

Según los devlogs, el desarrollador está trabajando actualmente en otro proyecto, pero promete nuevo contenido pronto.


Una pregunta esta en español tambien?

how do i get them past 33

You ant untill they update

do I have to get all seems for the Lynn shower seen

Lynn shower scene is still not implemented. We have to wait for the update :) But you can join Leni into the shower on monday ;)

day or nigh?


During the day. And you should have completed every task of hers if possible. I got into the shower scene by accident because I was talking to each character in their different places day after day

when is the new update

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how do i get at the lynn shower scene

One Day in the week she is in the bathroom. You must talk to her then. But you must complete alle her other tasks before you are allowed to follow her into the shower. Have fun. 

i have been time skipin for the past 10 mins which day is it 

It is a monday. Hope it is not only by random, but here is a screen shot. 


Sorry, I totally confused Lynn with Leni. I guess Lynn will have its shower time in the next updates. You can meet Lynn on tuesdays in the night at the bath room but she will not shower at the moment


question? are there any other characters with shower scenes

As far as I understand the devlog... yes there should only be Leni at the moment. I'm also waiting for the next chapter :)

(1 edit)

Is this game broken?? Because I am unable to get passed 33% completion for any character


i think that's all for now, i mean, you will need to wait for an update or something

Work in progress. We have to wait for the next content update :)

when does it come out?

I only read in the dev blog that there are some scenes in the making. But there was not a final release date. I guess we have to wait a bit :)

The only thing I would add is that more languages are included. 


I think Amazoness King should be careful, because  lazy mods decided to believe NTTS youtuber lies in the Lewdest House fiasco.


Where do i find the lewdest house i cant find it anywhere

the game isnt bad but some of the ppl in the discord were the problem


This game is mid, go play The Lewdest House by DMF.

Now that that's been said, there were a few major issues with this game that I want to point out. I'm hoping you see this because this game does have good potential and because of how early in development these issues are an easy fix.

There is really only one glaring issues that I'm hoping get fixed.

The biggest issue I have is the art style for the "NSFW" scenes. For Lori, it looks alright, but for everyone else it's just a very sudden change in art style that looks weird and out of place. I'd advise remaking this art to match the rest of the game.

This has potential and I'm hoping you find this comment.


I'm friends with DMF, mate, and I agree the game is great!

Thanks for the criticism.

I'll definitely be following this game's development. I wish you luck!


Oh yeah, one other thing I wanted to mention, I absolutely love the Lily design. Great work.

they're not on anymore, know where else to download it

just google "the lewdest house 0.2.11"

thats what i did

I'm gonna need you to give me a step by step process to launch the game, I got tired of trying on my ow

(1 edit) (+1)

whenever i talk to leni after completing the first part of her events this pops up playing on mobile btw also how do i go to the school and RA's house?

When you click on "ignore" the dialog should continue. For me this worked totally fine. Have fun.

as for getting to RA's house and the school?

For me it only occured in the dialog. I can go to school and the house as usual. hmhmhm sorry


I have an issue occurring in your game (v0.2.1) right off the hop, Lisa starts speaking and nothing I do can change the speed at which her very long sentences skip forward.  If I roll back it doesn't roll back 1 sentence it jumps to the beginning of her text so that the first 3 sentences took me 20 odd roll backs to actually read,  This might be fine but for 2 facts 1) I can't enjoy story without reading all of it even if it is meant to show her intelligence is astronomically above his  2) I suffered a brain injury 15 years ago and my reading speed is about 1/4 or less than others.  If this is a bug please fix it and if not please fix the "auto-forward time" or set it up as almost every other VN so that I can turn off auto forward, Thank you.

I do understand how you feel, sorry about that. That dialogue is supposed to be skipped, the dialogue speeds up and cuts off. The reason is that Lisa speaks a lot and very fast, and Lincoln (the player) is so busy he decides to interrupt her and keep going. She will bring it up later and complain to Lincoln (the player) that he didn't listen.

If it is too much of an issue, I can definitively turn it off. I thought it was a fun detail since she does say something very important, but it would sort of spoil the plot at that part of the game.

(1 edit)

I noticed that too, was wondering why it kept doing that, I ended up having to use the history dialogue but the words are all cluttered together, making it hard to read with the words being overlapped.

I think the problem is that the explanation you gave only happens here and is never repeated again, so without you explaining this, most people would probably think that there a code error here.

Maybe make it optional for people to chose if the they want the dialogue to be read word for word or read how Lincoln (us) interpret the dialogue.

I thought this might be the case, I am a fan of the show so I understand the idea

Deleted 152 days ago

Afaik, the game is fine. I think he had some issues with itch.

Will there be a Halloween update?

Cool game but helppp i forgot to save the game and now im to lazy to play that part againnn (its barely that much to even catch up-)

Hello, can someone explain to me why it won't let me join the discord?


There's a minimum time after the creation of the account to join, to avoid raids and stuff.

How long will it be before I can join? I created this account just so I can join

1 week. It is automatic too. Sorry, mate :(

Do tell me your username so I can unban you and you can join next week

My user is ailen_196_89868

hey guys idk if i reached the end of the game bcz it sin development or i got stuck somewhere so is it true that you can go further when i reached on all characters in the current game 33%

Same I'm guessing 33% is far as it goes but I didn't see any shower or laundry scenes...


me too but i saw few comments talking about something i still havent achieved and also i havent gotten any shower or laundry so i think it isnt the end still i this version and maybe there is like event to do btu i alr tried everything so if you find something please tell me

I'm not sure about shower scene but laundry scene is in the game

Do you know how to get to it?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yo bro, just the quest with lana is bugged, i have the collar and in the quest it say that i found it, but when i talk with lana, Lincoln say "i m still looking for it" 

And also, how to buy lucy's item ?

To get Lucy's items it's basically the same as leni's shop but you speak to Lucy and do the shop thing under her name

You need to help her fix the toilet too. Check the notebook.

Where is the golf club in the basement?

It's next to the boiler


Hi does someone know the other loud house game dev? I follow both, but the other one seems to do something weird or have problems where the game is suddenly gone, page and dev page.   

Uhhm if someone knows who I mean does someone know more? I don't follow them on discord or anything.


If it's the lewdest house you're talking about it got taken out because some scummy YouTuber used kids to raid there DC server 

But I'll come back since the creator said it but I'll take time 


Oh wow yes I was wondering the same thing since it was jus getting updates and disappeared...thanx for letting us no


Do you mean The Lewdest House? Yes, they had problems with one YouTuber. He tricked a lot of kids and told them to join the game's Discord server. Of course the server got banned. And later, the same people reported game's page on Because of that, creator of the game  personally deleted page from the site. Now, they plan to post download links on Subscribe Star and Uni Fans.

Here's a link to their Twitter account if you want to read about it yourself.


Are those either hater or the woke people? I'm not sure who is who so I just call them that.

They roughly seem to have the same idea and also hate the adult games. I slowly got the impression.


Author trying so hard to defend this game😭



Oh shut the fuck up


Bro pulled the first thing he found in google without fact checking

In the United States, child pornography laws do not apply to drawings, cartoons, sculptures, and paintings of minors in sexual situations under 18 U.S.C. § 2256. However, they remain subject to obscenity laws if they do not pass the Miller test and are potentially illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 1466A.


im gonna play it just for that


kill yourself nigga

i glad i ain't living USA... also i surprised this is a thing.


isnt this game child porn? a discord thats related to a game if this series was banned for that reason.


Nope, that discord is still running, and child porn involves real children.

what i read by far nothing cross the line. cuz didn't say age. all we know gotta put 18 on age or 21


Very excited to eventually play the full release. Even as someone who's not overly familiar with the source material, I enjoyed the faithful writing and art a lot. Great work so far!


womp womp


the real question is why is certain people in the comment section trying too act like there doing good by shaming people playing this game? like yoy click on it read 18+ then proceed too call it cp like bro its not even close plus have you seen the news about ai? people out here taking real photos of kids and makeing real cp out ai this game is far from that!

I'm sorry but if you can't figure out the differences between real and fiction you shouldn't be in this category of a porn game, like you clearly have no common sense and you absolutely wouldn't sue the person because then they will know your also playing this game and won't believe you just decided too look in too it so your probably just gonna spam report but they can track you so last thing you do try get morality from us like dude I could care less a bout morality in porn game it's not real so good luck with dumbass brain thinking everything you see is cp. I don't need see your crybaby ass whining about real shit with things that not associated with it.


Probably virtue signalling. It's always the loudest antis who turn out to be the real bad people. Remember Kyle Carrozza, creator of Mighty Magisword.


it's mind blowing.  I seen worst games out there that are borderline evil but since it's anonymous u really can't do anything about it. sure you can report it but it will only go so far so just ignore it if u don't like it.

(1 edit)

bro it release on Adult. meaning it 18 to 21 yo age with less work on look, also by far on this website i don't see REAL kids be use.


I don't know how to go to the school or other places, i'm in android

Check the map and the arrows on the sides.


is it only 33% or theres more?

The game isn't finished, far from it I would say wait another 2 months for the full final release

when will there be another update

Not sure whenever a new dev log comes out maybe

hopefully soon

(1 edit)

What is the black square and how do I find them?

If I had to guess it would be characters that are coming in the future as this game isn't finished

Linka Loud


ONG bro this has to be one of the best games out there!!! can't wait for more updates I'm a certified pedophile for liking this but idc bro this shit fire!!! need more updates already completed everything I sat down for one like hour long session or more just completing the game this game so sigma


There is a difference between cartoons and real children. Same way you are not a psycopath for playing shooting games or games like postal



You think this quality is realistic?


"produced and modified with software from actual photos of minors" "Where the quality makes it so that fake situations are manipulated to appear realistic" Did bro even bother reading the whole thing? 😭😭


Who needs to fact check what they are talking about? they might discover they are not right


maybe one day we could have animation scene...

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